Vivek Pandian, once the private secretary to Odisha's Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, is now gearing up for another prominent role. His recent appointment as the head of the 5T (Transformative Tenet) and 'Nabin Odisha' charts a new chapter in his civil service career after opting for voluntary retirement. This appointment elevates him to the rank of a cabinet minister and allows him to work directly under CM Patnaik. The 5T governance charter of the Odisha government, focused on transparency, technology, teamwork, and transformation, was earlier led by Pandian as its secretary. The program has been crucial to the success of multiple state initiatives as it attempts to expedite multiple projects. Pandian is responsible for more than just administrative tasks. In particular, his leadership of significant projects like the Shree Jagannath Heritage Corridor is noteworthy. To improve visibility and security of the historic Shree Jagannath Temple, a 75-meter-wide roadway will b...
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